Seeking a “Jr. High” Pastor (뉴저지장로교회 중등부 사역자 청빙) > 구인

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 동산담임  PMC
 갈보리구인2  주님교회

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Seeking a “Jr. High” Pastor (뉴저지장로교회 중등부 사역자 청빙)

페이지 정보



Seeking a “Jr. High” Pastor (뉴저지장로교회 중등부 사역자 청빙)

Presbyterian Church of New Jersey is actively seeking
a Half-time (or Park -time) Jr. High pastor who possesses maturity in faith, commitment in Christ, and gifted in leadership. Our Jr. High Ministry is an active ministry that consists of grades 6th to 8th (50 +).
Church Information
Presbyterian Church of New Jersey (
222 Ramapo Valley Rd Oakland NJ 07436
Position Type
Half-time or Part-time
Commensurate with experience and qualification
Understanding and friendly toward the Jr. High age level
Preaching /Leading the Word of God each Sunday
Leading the Friday meeting
Providing spiritual leadership and pastoral counseling to students and teachers
Planning execute, and evaluate ministry events/programs throughout the year
Contacting teachers, parents, and students
Providing rides for students 
Leading teachers’ meeting every Sunday morning
Attending staff and committee meetings
Spiritual Leadership/Commitment for Jr. High
Preaching/Communicating in fluent English
Graduate or current student of accredited seminary
Experience in youth ministry
Application (as soon as possible)
Resume (with photo),  Vision sharing & Personal statement of faith
Contact ASAP (Due by June 24, 2017)
Pastor Paul Ahn


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 동산교회 갈보리구인

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