[NY] EM Pastor Position at Arumdaun Presbyterian Church > 구인

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[NY] EM Pastor Position at Arumdaun Presbyterian Church

페이지 정보



Arumdaun Presbyterian Church
Position: EM Pastor

Arumdaun Presbyterian Church English Ministry(EM) is the English speaking congregation of Arumdaun Presbyterian Church in Bethpage, New York. We are looking for an EM Pastor who is called to serve an adult ministry consisting of college aged students, young adults, and married couples with families. The position is for a Full Time Pastor who can preach for Sunday service, actively minister to the congregation, and work closely with the EM Leadership and other volunteers to implement a vision and carry out God’s call.

Title: English Ministry Pastor - Full Time

Accountability: The EM Pastor is accountable to the Korean Ministry(KM) Senior Pastor and the Session of Arumdaun Presbyterian Church and will work alongside the EM Leadership.

Responsibilities: The EM Pastor shall:
- Preach during Sunday Worship (10am, 11:30am)
- Have oversight over all EM ministries
- Teach/Train Leaders
- Implement Discipleship
- Provide counseling and visitations for congregation members
- Take part in creating a community through fellowship and welcoming
- Outreach/missions
- Monitor the health of the congregation
- Implement and carry out a vision for the ministry
- Work with the Korean Ministry pastoral staff and the Session of the church

Purpose: The objective of the EM Pastor is to lead the congregation of Arumdaun EM in seeking the Lord and to foster an understanding of the gospel so that as a church, we can build up one another in Christ and be faithful witnesses in our community. The EM Pastor should minister to the congregation and provide the visionary leadership for the EM where it flows out into shepherding, teaching, and serving. As a shepherd, the EM
Pastor will oversee the flock to motivate, disciple, counsel, visit, and build up leaders. As a teacher, the EM Pastor will be responsible for preaching and equipping the congregation through God’s word, so that they may go forth as disciples of Christ. As a server, the EM Pastor will serve with Christ’s heart, leading by example as Christ did.

If you believe you are called to serve Christ in this way, please submit your resume, a cover letter, and a sermon sample to APCEM.Leadership@gmail.com


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