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[IA] 교육담당 목회자 청빙

페이지 정보




아이오와시티(IOWA주)에 위치한 '온누리침례교회'에서 Children & Youth 다음세대 교육을 담당할 사역자를 모십니다. 온누리침례교회는 주일 약 220 명의 성도님들과 자녀들이 함께 예배드리며 선교에 힘쓰는 따뜻한 은혜의 공동체입니다. 아이오와시티(Iowa City)는 교육 수준이 높고, 안전하며, 살기 좋은 도시입니다. 사례비는 Half Time $3,000이고, 학부 또는 대학원에 재학중인 분들도 지원이 가능합니다. 다음 세대를 세우는 비전을 함께 할 역량있고 열정적인 목사님 또는 전도사님의 지원을 기다립니다.

All Nations Baptist Church
By God's grace, All Nations Baptist Church has been serving Jesus Christ as His witness for 33 years. Keeping His immeasurable grace in mind we strongly believe that passing our faith to the next generation is one of our primary missions. We are seeking an Education Minister who is devoted to Jesus and has a passion for the next generation.

Position description
1) Lead the education department (Infant ministry ~ High School ministry); a half time appointment
2) Oversee all education departments: worship, Bible studies, AWANA (Thursday), Youth Group (Friday) and Sunday activities
3) Coordinate and lead a variety of ministry programs such as evangelism, outreach, short-term summer missions, counseling, retreats, and small groups
4) Plan and execute special yearly ministry events (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, VBS, HolyWin Night and other ministry programs and events); prepare budget and curriculum
5) Coordinate with the Senior pastor and Associate pastor to provide ministry support and to create and implement on-going training for all education teachers
6) Provide pastoral care for children, youth, parents, and teachers

1) Must have a heart and a calling for the next generation (Youth and Children)
2) Working towards or have received a degree in Theology, M. Div. or Christian education at an accredited seminary / Christian college
3) Working towards an ordination or ordained pastor from an approved denomination
4) Have previous ministry experience in education department preferred
5) Bilingual in Korean and English preferred, but fluency in Korean is not necessary
6) Must be eligible to work in the U.S.

Application requirements
1) Current Resume
2) A recent photo of you and your family
3) Personal testimony and faith statement
4) 3 Letters of Recommendation (1 must be from your current supervisor)
5) Two recent sermons (video/audio files or links)
6) Photocopy of M. Div. degree, Certificate of Ordination or graduate diploma

Application deadline
• May 31, 2020

Application submission
• Please submit all application materials to Ilkyu Yoon, Chair of Search Committee, at anbceducation@gmail.com with the subject “Education Minister Application.”
• Please note that submitted applications will not be returned.

Church Information
All Nations Baptist Church
1715 Mormon Trek Blvd. Iowa City, IA 52246
Website: ianbc.net
Tel: 319-693-2034


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