복음의빛교회 (Light of the Gospel Church in Maryland) EM Pastor 구함 (part-tim…
페이지 정보
Rev. Jean Yo…ㆍ2020-10-07관련링크
메릴랜드 콜럼비아 지역에 소재한 저희 복음의빛교회는 현재 영어권 회중을 말씀으로 지도해 줄 신실한 사역자를 구합니다. 저희 복음의빛교회는 2년전(2018)“교회 안에 교회 개척하기”의 비전을 품고 영어권 사역(English Speaking Ministry)을 시작한 이래 풍성한 주님의 은혜를 경험하며 건실한 성장을 이어 왔습니다. 특히 복음의빛교회 한어권 사역(KM)과의 상호 두터운 신뢰와 지원의 관계를 통해 건강하고 복음적인 영어권 공동체를 이뤄 왔다고 자부합니다.
COVID19 팬데믹의 위기 상황 가운데서도 은혜 언약 공동체로서의 결속력과 제반 사역의 열정은 오히려 더욱 더 풍성해져 가고 있는 가운데, 이 소중한 사역과 삶을 함께 이루어갈 복음의 선포자와 교사를 새로이 청빙하기로 하였습니다. 개혁주의 신학에 충실하면서도 열정과 창의력을 겸비한 사역자를 기다립니다. 비전을 함께 하길 원하시는 분은 지체 말고 연락 주시기 바랍니다.
Light of the Gospel Church (LOGCMD) is a local expression of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ and belongs to “Capital Presbytery” of the PCA. LOGCMD seeks a sincere, part-time EM pastor who has been trained by Reformed theology and gifted with God-given passion to love and lead this flock.
Under the canopy of our Lord’s grace, since the launching of our EM congregation in 2018, we have been experiencing both rigorous witnessing and its continuous growth. Though we are facing the difficulty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the unity and enthusiasm of our ministry are thriving, deeply anchored in the gospel truth and love. If you are open to join our vision, feel free to call and email us.
▪︎ Position: EM Pastor
▪︎ Commitment: Part-Time [but, the ministry itself has a great potential to
grow up as full-time in the near future]
▪︎ Salary: $ 2,000 (monthly).
▪︎ Requirement
- M.Div Degree from a Seminary (ATS accredited, Committed to
Reformed and Presbyterian Theology)
- Ability to Prepare and Perform Exegetical/Expository Preaching.
- Pastoral Heart and Mind (Clear and Convincing Internal Calling
for Pastoral Ministry)
▪︎ Document to Submit
- Recommendation Letters (At least 2)
- The Testimony of Faith and Internal Calling
- Certificate of Graduation from a Seminary (Photocopy of MDiv Degree)
- Licensure or A Letter of Good Standing (if Ordained) from Presbytery.
▪︎ Contact: Rev. Jean Young Lee
Email: theophio1435@gmail.com
Homepage: www.logcmd.org
Cell: 267-577-0755
COVID19 팬데믹의 위기 상황 가운데서도 은혜 언약 공동체로서의 결속력과 제반 사역의 열정은 오히려 더욱 더 풍성해져 가고 있는 가운데, 이 소중한 사역과 삶을 함께 이루어갈 복음의 선포자와 교사를 새로이 청빙하기로 하였습니다. 개혁주의 신학에 충실하면서도 열정과 창의력을 겸비한 사역자를 기다립니다. 비전을 함께 하길 원하시는 분은 지체 말고 연락 주시기 바랍니다.
Light of the Gospel Church (LOGCMD) is a local expression of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ and belongs to “Capital Presbytery” of the PCA. LOGCMD seeks a sincere, part-time EM pastor who has been trained by Reformed theology and gifted with God-given passion to love and lead this flock.
Under the canopy of our Lord’s grace, since the launching of our EM congregation in 2018, we have been experiencing both rigorous witnessing and its continuous growth. Though we are facing the difficulty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the unity and enthusiasm of our ministry are thriving, deeply anchored in the gospel truth and love. If you are open to join our vision, feel free to call and email us.
▪︎ Position: EM Pastor
▪︎ Commitment: Part-Time [but, the ministry itself has a great potential to
grow up as full-time in the near future]
▪︎ Salary: $ 2,000 (monthly).
▪︎ Requirement
- M.Div Degree from a Seminary (ATS accredited, Committed to
Reformed and Presbyterian Theology)
- Ability to Prepare and Perform Exegetical/Expository Preaching.
- Pastoral Heart and Mind (Clear and Convincing Internal Calling
for Pastoral Ministry)
▪︎ Document to Submit
- Recommendation Letters (At least 2)
- The Testimony of Faith and Internal Calling
- Certificate of Graduation from a Seminary (Photocopy of MDiv Degree)
- Licensure or A Letter of Good Standing (if Ordained) from Presbytery.
▪︎ Contact: Rev. Jean Young Lee
Email: theophio1435@gmail.com
Homepage: www.logcmd.org
Cell: 267-577-0755
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