[NY] Full/Part-time Youth Pastor > 구인

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[NY] Full/Part-time Youth Pastor

페이지 정보




뉴욕 베이사이드에 위치한 뉴욕신광교회(RCA)에서 중고등부를 섬길 교역자(중고등부 전체를 담당할 전임사역자 혹은 중등부, 고등부를 각각 섬길 Part사역자)를 청빙 합니다. 아래 내용을 참조하시거나, 첨부파일을 참조하셔서 지원해주시기 바랍니다.

제출 마감: 2020년 8월 14일(금)까지

Shin Kwang Church of New York is currently seeking two part-time youth pastors or one full-time youth pastor for our church.
The new youth pastor will report to the senior pastor, as a member of the pastoral staff team, currently consisting of one KM administrative pastor and a children’s pastor, serving the church.

Shin Kwang Church is an RCA, located in Bayside New York.

- Currently enrolled in, or graduated from, an accredited seminary
- A born-again Christian who continually loves Jesus
- Able to love and serve the youth and families
- Exhibit a personal and growing relationship with God and a teachable spirit
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills / Able to understand or speak Korean and communicate with adult KM(preferred)
- Understanding of needs and challenges of today’s youth
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with youth, parents, staff, and congregation.
- Musical talent and praise team experience not required but a plus
- Previous experience in serving junior high & high school age students (preferred)


1. Ministry details include but are not limited to:
- Primary responsibility: Minister to the youth and the families with youth. Must have a family-centered ministry mindset, as parents are a crucial part of the ministry.
- Provide pastoral leadership/ training to YG teachers and students
- Help plan and organize FNL (Friday night youth group gatherings)
- Shared preaching responsibilities on Sundays
- Help plan, develop, and implement all aspects of a balanced youth ministry alongside the existing Youth Group Pastor including mission training and confirmation education.
- Organize annual ministry events such as winter retreats, summer missions, etc.
- Communicate & work with the Parent-Teacher Association
- Participate in certain church-wide events with the adult congregation

2. Hours may vary and some flexibility is required but generally include:
- Fridays (for office hours and staff meetings)
- Friday night youth group gatherings
- Sunday service and prep

SALARY Competitive salary


To apply, please send the following the materials to shinkwangchurch@gmail.com or mailing address listed below

1. Letter of interest
2. Resume
3. Two ministry references
4. Sermon in Audio (MP3) or Video (files or links)
5. Photo (Family Photo if married)
6. If able to speak both English & Korean that will be exceptional, but we want the emphasis to fall on being fluent in English.
Mailing Address

Shin Kwang Church of New York
ATTN: Youth Pastor Application
33-55 Bell Blvd.
Bayside, NY 11361


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