[LA] Kindergarten (유치부) 사역자 초빙 > 구인

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[LA] Kindergarten (유치부) 사역자 초빙

페이지 정보



West Hills Presbyterian Church (웨스트힐 장로교회)
Kindergarten JDSN Search (유치부 사역자 초빙)

1. About Us
‘West Hills Presbyterian Church’ is located in the south-west San Fernando Valley, California. We have a growing kindergarten ministry and we are searching for a kindergarten JDSN who loves Christ and His children.

2. Compensations
Competitive, plus additional scholarship per every semester

3. Qualifications
(1) A personal & radical commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
(2) Sensitivity to and able to work well in Korean-American church context
(3) Ability to speak Korean helpful, but not necessary

4. Responsibilities
(1) Work together with kindergarten volunteer staff
(2) Continue to build onto the dynamic nature of the kindergarten ministry
(3) Ability to speak Korean helpful, but not necessary

5. For Submission
(1) Resume (with recent photo)
(2) Salvation Testimony
(3) One Reference Letter: from the most recent senior pastor
(4) Personal Viewpoint on Homosexuality
(5) Deadline: December 31, 2019

* Please submit all documents (PDF format) to: both ohgustin@gmail.com and jhwoomoxx@gmail.com

** Please visit our link below to find more information about our church: www.iwhpc.org/


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