[TX] 유년부(Children) 사역자를 보십니다 > 구인

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[TX] 유년부(Children) 사역자를 보십니다

페이지 정보



교역자 청빙 Children’s Ministry Position
달라스연합교회는 유년부 사역을 위해 열정적으로 사역하실 파트타임(Part time) 사역자를 모십니다.
Korean Church of Dallas is looking for a part-time pastor to serve our children’s ministry department.

1. 자격
1) 복음주의적 개혁주의 신앙노선을 따르는 분
2) 복음을 향한 열정과 팀워크 감각이 있으신 분 
3) 신학 대학원M.Div 과정 중이거나 졸업 및 교육 관련 학위 소지하신 분
4) 영어로 사역하기에 불편함이 없으신 분

1. Qualifications
1) Individual holds to the reformed tradition of faith
2) Individual has passion for the Gospel and works well in a team setting
3) Individual has an M.Div degree or currently pursing an M.Div degree or has a degree related to education
4) Individual must be fluent in English

2. Responsibilities
1) To teach and model Christ’s love to 30+ individuals ranging from 1st through 5thgrade
2) To preach God’s Word on a weekly basis with Biblical accuracy and fervency
3) To prepare weekly curriculum and train teachers as they serve during Bible study
4) To coordinate and lead Friday Kids ministry
5) To organize yearly events such as Summer Vacation Bible School, Hallelujah Night (October 31st), and Christmas celebration

3. 제출 서류
1) 이력서 1부 (가족사진 포함)
2) 자기 소개서 (성장배경, 신앙여정, 자신의 장단점, 사역경험 및 사역비전 포함)
3) 최근 설교원고 1편
4) 존경하는 목사님의 추천서 2부 (추천자가 직접 우편 혹은 E-Mail로 보내신 것만 유효합니다)

3. Required Documents
1) Resume (including a family photo)
2) Biography of the individual (includes faith journey, strengths and weaknesses, ministry experience, and vision)
3) One Sermon manuscript
4) Two recommendations (Must be sent directly by the referrer via mail or email)
4. 접수 및 문의
E-Mail로 접수합니다.
접수 E-Mail:  930heejun@gmail.com (유희준 목사)
문의 전화: 972-245-1419 (달라스연합교회)
4. How to Apply
Please send all required documents either electronically via email
Email: 930heejun@gmail.com (Pastor Heejun Yoo)
For questions, call: (972) 245-1419

달라스연합교회 (담임목사 김상태)
Korean Church of Dallas (Senior Pastor Sangtae Kim)


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

한무리구인 초대교회구인

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