[MD] English Congregation Lead Pastor > 구인

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[MD] English Congregation Lead Pastor

페이지 정보



English Congregation Lead Pastor


Bethany Prebyterian Church’s English Congregation is looking for a lead pastor who is called to serve in an adult ministry consisting of married couples with families, young adults, and college-aged students. The position is for a full-time pastor who can preach for Sunday services, actively minister the English congregation members throughout the week, and work with the Senior Pastor, Session members, Planning Committee, and English Congregation Worship Team to contribute to BPC’s mission and vision to serve Jesus Christ in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and beyond.

Required documents:

- Statement of faith
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume
- Links to sermons/sermon videos
- Minimum of 3 Ministry references

Roles and responsibilities:

- Preaching
- Set the vision for and lead the English congregation
- Teaching, discipleship, and counseling for the spiritual development of the English-speaking congregation
- Oversee all areas of ministry for the English congregation, including worship, missions, life groups, and the training and equipping of lay leaders for ministry
- Work with Korean congregation by collaborating with the Korean congregation leaders, including pastors and session members.

Minimum Qualifications:

- Masters of Divinity from an accredited seminary
- Ordained
- Minimum of 5 years of ordained ministry experience in diverse settings, including adult congregations
- Korean language skills preferred, but not required


Commensurate with education and experience

Please send application package and any inquiries to: search@bethanyem.org


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