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페이지 정보



Location – 263 Larch Ave, Bogota, NJ 07603

Hankyul Church seeks a pastor with a heart for the youth of Northern NJ. I

Job Description
The Youth Pastor will lead a youth group and help it grow with Sunday services and other commitments. In preaching, teaching, discipling, and organizing, the youth pastor will lead 6th – 12th grade students in Northern NJ.

Qualifications and Skills
Exhibit a personal and growing relationship with God and a teachable spirit
Currently enrolled in, or graduated from, an accredited seminary
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Understanding of needs and challenges of today’s youth
Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with youth, parents, staff and congregation
Musical talent and praise team experience not required but a plus

Language - Fluent English is required, Korean is a plus

Working Hours
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm every Friday
10:00 am – 2:00 pm every Sunday

Compensation - inquire for more details

To apply, please contact Sunghyun Hwang (sguideh@icloud.com), Lead Pastor of Hankyul Church, by emailing the following;
Cover Letter
Recent sermon recording (video or audio)

*Please send by email  (sguideh@hotmail.com)


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