Full-time EM Pastor (New Haven Korean Church, Connecticut) > 구인

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Full-time EM Pastor (New Haven Korean Church, Connecticut)

페이지 정보




New Haven Korean Church is prayerfully seeking a full-time Assistant Pastor who will lead and oversee the spiritual growth of our English-speaking congregation (English Ministry). The English-speaking congregation is comprised of college students, young professionals, and families.

New Haven Korean Church was founded in 1973 and is one of the established Korean American churches in the southern New England region of the United States. NHKC is a member church of Presbytery of Southern New England of PCUSA. The church currently serves multiples generations of the Korean-Americans and multi-cultural and multiple ethnic congregation in New Haven County of Connecticut and its neighboring counties in the state of Connecticut.
• Minister in good standing with PCUSA or eligible to join PCUSA
• Completed M.Div. at PCUSA approved or compatible institution
• A minimum of three years of satisfactory work experience in an English Ministry
• Fluent in English (Korean and English bilingual is preferred but not required)
• Strong leadership and communications skills
• Experience working with multiple generations
• Experience in recruiting and training volunteers
• Eligible to work in the US.

• Prepare and deliver weekly sermons for service
• Pray for the church and its members, ministries and partners
• Work with New Haven Korean Church (NHKC) leadership on clarifying and implementing the vision for the NHKC English Ministry
• Organize and implement ministry programs designed to enhance spiritual growth of English Ministry
• Lead regular EM leadership meetings and attend/represent the EM for the Session
• Weekly follow up communications with visitors and new believers
• Pastoral care and communications/visits to church members
• Counseling (general, premarital, and marital) as requested or needed
• Recruit, train, and counsel volunteer leaders of the EM
• Plan and coordinate retreats and missions (domestic and/or overseas)
• Prepare and work with Bible study leaders for small group Bible studies
• Provide clear lines of communication between EM and the Session to ensure alignment within the church
• Commit appropriate time for continuing education, personal growth, and spiritual feeding; and
• Other responsibilities as deemed necessary by the Senior Pastor.

- Please submit the following information to:  NHKCEM2019@gmail.com
• Resume
• Personal Information Form, or a form compatible with this.
o https://www.pcusa.org/site_media/media/uploads/clc/pdfs/personal_information_form_2016.pdf
• Statement of Faith
• Philosophy/Vision of Ministry;
• Personal Testimony;
• 2 recorded sermons, or links to the applicant’s sermons. 
• 4 References – 2 pastoral and 2 personal.

• August 31, 2021


NHCK EM website:


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