[CA] Seeking an Elementary Pastor 초등부 사역자를 찾습니다 > 구인

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[CA] Seeking an Elementary Pastor 초등부 사역자를 찾습니다

페이지 정보



Global Mission Church (PCA) in Diamond Bar, CA is looking for an Elementary Pastor. Depending on the candidate, this position could be expanded to a full-time Education Director role.

- Our Education department is well-supported by EM in terms of pastoral oversight and mentoring.
- We have a great teacher-to-student ratio with very solid group of volunteers (for both teachers and parents).

Duties and Responsibilities:
- Preach weekly and plan activities for students, attend Saturday pastors meeting at 9AM.
- Lead and run bible studies / programs during Friday evenings.
- Coordinate and serve during two major ministry events: VBS & Fall Festival.
- Conduct parents & teachers meetings.

- Current seminary student at an accredited seminary or BA or MA in Christian Education
- Must be legal to work in the US
- Competence in the Korean language and culture to work closely with KM and parents.
- Dedication to / desire to learn of Reformed Theology

For inquiry: please contact pastor Kenny Lee via email at pkennylee1@gmail.com

LA 동부지역 다이아몬드바에 위치한 글로발선교교회에서 교육부를 말씀과 사랑으로 섬겨주실 교역자를 찾고있습니다.
- 분야: 파트타임 초등부 1명 (지원자 경험에 따라서 교육디렉터겸 부서 담당자 풀타임 가능합니다.)
- 사역 내용: 주일 교육부 설교, 예배인도, 금요예배 / 성경공부 진행, 연중행사 (VBS, Fall Festival) 계획및 진행
- 자격: 신학대학원 졸업, 재학중, 혹은 재학 예정자. 개혁신학에 대한 헌신과 열정이 있으신분. 미국 취업에 문제가 없으신분.

문의사항 / 서류 보내실곳: pkennylee1@gmail.com
교회주소: 23425 Sunset Crossing Rd, Diamond Bar, CA 91765


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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