[CA] a pastor for our youth ministry > 구인

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[CA] a pastor for our youth ministry

페이지 정보



We are prayerfully seeking a pastor for our youth ministry.  We trust that our sovereign God will call the right person to our church in His good time.

-Lead the Lord’s Day worship service
-Facilitate Friday evening activity/fellowship
-Attend all pastoral staff and Education Dept meetings
-Coordinate and lead seasonal activities/retreats

-Seminary graduate or currently enrolled student
-English proficiency a must, Korean proficiency a plus

Please submit the following:
-Resume and cover letter
-Ordination certificate or letter of academic standing from your seminary
-2 References (one church/professional, one personal)

Submit all documents to pastorjoehan@gmail.com.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

한무리구인 초대교회구인

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