(맨해튼) Children’s Ministry Director > 구인

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(맨해튼) Children’s Ministry Director

페이지 정보




Remnant Church in Kips Bay (Manhattan, NY) is searching for a part-time or half-time children’s ministry director.

1. Calling: A candidate should genuinely love God and people, especially children, and have a calling for children’s ministry and show its fruits.
2. Experience: A candidate should be able to show their steadfast involvement in children’s ministry.
3. Language: A candidate must be fluent in English and being able to communicate in Korean is a plus.
4. Education: A candidate is preferred to have background in biblical and theological education, Christian Education or be enrolled in Christian institution, but not required.
5. Theology: A candidate should conform to AMI values and core beliefs.
6. Legal Status: A candidate must have a legal status to work in the U.S.
7. Federal background check after interview

1. Overseeing children’s ministry
2. Being present and actively engaging at meetings 
3. Seasonal and special meetings such as VBS and retreats
4. Facilitating teaching curriculum and having lesson plans
5. Recruiting and training teachers, and building rapport with parents and their involvements

Please, submit below items and any questions to remnantchurch29@gmail.com.
1. Resume with a cover letter
2. A self or family photo if married
3. A personal testimony of salvation and calling
4. A brief statement on children’s ministry vision and value
5. At least two recordings (audio/video) of sermons given to children
6. 3 references with contact information (phone number and email address)
    a. one from immediate family member
    b. one from co-worker or managerial position if working
        one from professor if enrolled in Christian Institution
    c. one from church leadership current or previous church

Start date
first weekend of September, 2021

Based on experience and negotiable


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