달라스베다니장로교회 교육부 총괄 및 중고등부 사역자 청빙(풀타임 또는 하프타임) > 구인

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빌립보 하베스트

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달라스베다니장로교회 교육부 총괄 및 중고등부 사역자 청빙(풀타임 또는 하프타임)

페이지 정보



Job Description(Full Time or Half Time)
A) Office Hours : Tuesday through Sunday (Monday Off)
B) Youth Ministry Responsibilities
– Preach Weekly Sunday Sermon
– Teach Weekly Friday WoW
– Equip and lead Bible Study teachers
– Equip and lead Students leaders
– Visitation and counseling as needed
– Plan and lead yearly youth retreats
C) Education Ministry Responsibilities(Full Time)
– Pastoral Director of Education Department including pastors
– Main Coordinator for any Education led worship / events
– Teach and train Education volunteers
– Develop Curriculum for Education ministries
– Develop Education manual
D) Pastoral Responsibilities
– Serve with team of pastors to pursue the vision, mission, and core value of Bethany Presbyterian Church
– Weekly and monthly meeting s with pastoral staff
E) ​Qualification
- Legally able to work in the US
- Graduated from accredited Seminary or Scheduled to graduate in summer of 2022
-Fluent in English, awareness and competence in the Korean language and culture preferred
F) Requirements
- Resume with picture
- Testimony (Family, background, ministry experiences)
- Statement of Faith
- 2 sample of sermon (online link preferred)
- 2 References (contact info only)

Send to : pastor@bethanydallas.org


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