Full time Education Pastor 사역자 청빙 > 구인

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 동산담임  PMC
 갈보리구인2  주님교회

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Full time Education Pastor 사역자 청빙

페이지 정보



Full-time Education Pastor 사역자 청빙
Korean Peace Presbyterian Church of Seattle is Seeking Full-time Education Pastor.
Job Summary:
The Education Pastor will overall oversight of the Education department and be responsible for working with the Education team and a minister. Especially the pastor’s ministry focuses on Youth Ministry. The pastor utilizes the leadership gifts given by God to bring lost souls to Christ and expand the kingdom of God.
1. M.Div degree in a Seminary.
2. Basic Korean language skills are preferred.
3. Must have a passion for Youth student.
4. Must have a calling to be a minister.
5. Youth Ministry or Education ministry experiences are preferred.
6. Have a passion for the next generation for the Korean American Church.
1. Give directions to and oversee KPPC Education department, especially Youth Ministry.
​-Identify the needs and interests of teens within the church and community.
​- Plan and develop programs for the youth ministry.
​-Identify and provide ministry opportunities for teens.
2. Provide counseling and spiritual direction to teens on an individual basis.
3. Participate in outreach ministry to teens who have visited the church: visit, letters, etc.
4. Lead Friday Youth gathering.
5. Plan at least one yearly youth retreat for the purpose of spiritual edification.
6. Provide pastoral care the Youth students.
7. Lead weekly Sunday service.
Salary: $72,000 a year.
Please summit:
1. Resume
2. Introduction about family with family picture (if married).
3. Personal testimony
4. One recent English sermons video link.
5. M. Div graduation certificate.
(if available , two letters of recommendation)
Please send to:    rodem123@hotmail.com    call: 206-697-0044


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

 동산교회 갈보리구인

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