웨슬리 감리교회(뉴저지 에디슨)에서 반주자님을 모십니다 > 구인

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웨슬리 감리교회(뉴저지 에디슨)에서 반주자님을 모십니다

페이지 정보




뉴저지 에디슨(Edison NJ)에 위치한 웨슬리 감리교회(Wesley United Methodist Church)에서 함께 주일 예배와 한달에 한번 있는 찬양 예배, 그리고 교회 절기에 따른 특별예배와 찬양에 섬겨주실 Organist/Choir Director 를 모시고자 합니다.
첨부한 Job Description을 참조해 주시고, 아래로 연락 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

Lead Pastor : Hyungkoo Kang / 강형구 목사 Email : kanghk23@hotmail.com
Church Council Chair : Elaine Tibok. Email : etibok@comcast.net

Wesley United Methodist Church in Edison, NJ seeks an experienced Organist/Choir Director to provide choral and instrumental music for the Sunday regular worship service as well as for special services i.e. Ash Wed, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, etc.
JOB DESCRIPTION – Responsibilities include playing our Ahlborn Galanti Chronicler III triple manual organ and Yamaha digital piano for the Sunday worship service, accompanying and directing an adult choir and choir rehearsal once a week.  The Sunday services consist of playing and preparing the prelude, postlude, offertory, hymns, choir anthems and accompaniment for occasional soloists, etc.  The ability to incorporate contemporary praise music into the traditional service as well as participation and support of a monthly Praise & Worship Band service is desirable.
The ideal candidate will work with the Pastor to select the hymns for the worship services.  The candidate will also be responsible for purchasing of all music and music supplies from the music budget. 
In the event of time off, the candidate will try to secure a supply organist for those services.
Salary - $17,000
Vacation – 4 weeks (4 Sundays) paid vacation
Please forward resume to:  etibok@comcast.net


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