Children's Pastor part-time and/or full-time! > 구인

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Children's Pastor part-time and/or full-time!

페이지 정보



New Mercy Hackensack Church is seeking a Lead Education Director to oversee its education ministry of 100+ children consisting of newborns to high school students. The Lead Education Director will join a staff of full-time and part-time pastors and will be supported by the education staff and volunteer leaders. The Lead Education Director will be responsible for the following:

-Oversee and coordinate all aspects of the education ministry
-Shepherd the education staff and volunteers through mentorship, discipleship, and training.
-Communication with parents, including home visitations, email, and social media
-Liaison between staff, session, parents, and other ministries
-Oversee the implementation of gospel-centered curriculum to each education ministry
-Teach age appropriate gospel-centered sermons to each ministry
-Collaborate with pastors, staff, and ministry leaders
-Attend weekly staff meetings


-5+ years of experience leading a children’s education ministry and teaching
-Seminary trained preferred

Please apply here:

Salary: Part-time:$2000/month, Full-time: $50,000 year


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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