[CA} Valley Joohana Church (Valley/ Reseda) > 구인

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[CA} Valley Joohana Church (Valley/ Reseda)

페이지 정보



Valley Joohana Church in Reseda, CA is seeking a part-time pastor/director who can oversee teenagers.

Responsibilities: Sunday services, weekly Bible study, and occasional musical presentations on Christmas and Easter (probably Thanksgiving).

Salary: $1,500. There are currently 2 students in the youth ministry, but as the number of students in the youth ministry increases, the salary will also increase.

Hours: Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm. Remaining work hours are for weekly preparation.


- Must have either graduated from or be currently enrolled in an accredited seminary.

- Must speak English fluently (ability to speak Korean is preferred but not required).

- Cover Letter

- Two References from previous ministries

Applicants can send a resume to vallenjoohana@gmail.com.


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