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중고등부 사역자를 찾습니다. 하와이중앙장로교회

페이지 정보



Hawaii Central Presbyterian Church – Living Stones Youth Group
Youth Director Position “at a Glance”

Hawaii Central Presbyterian Church (PCA), located in Manoa Valley in Honolulu, is seeking a part-time youth pastor to teach, guide, and shepherd the youth group of Living Stones (the English-language Ministry of HCPC). We have around 30-40 youth students ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade. The youth group as it currently stands has been under the care of EM leadership/volunteers and we are seeking a candidate who is simultaneously able to report to the KM session and receive input from the EM Pastor for the direction and vision of the youth group. To help you discern if this is a ministry position suitable to your gifts and calling, please see the requirements and qualifications below.

Explicit Requirements:
- legally able to work in the US
- 2 years of youth ministry experience
- ability to effectively engage and communicate with high school and middle school students, in English
- lead weekly Friday Night Bible Studies (FNBS)
- plan retreats and other scheduled activities
- regularly communicate with current PTA
- must have a desire to receive formal theological training
- recruit, train, and lead a volunteer youth staff (currently seven volunteers)
- willing to engage and teach an age-appropriate Reformed theology curriculum that is culturally relevant and sociologically meaningful
- attend weekly staff meetings
- willing to perform other duties as needs arise

*** For those applying from outside of Hawaii: you must be willing to relearn most of the cultural norms of mainland America. Your willingness to learn the cultural norms of Hawaii is crucial to successful ministry adaptation and for the setting of realistic expectations***

Further Assets needed for the Ideal Candidate (these are not explicit requirements but will be helpful for ministry success at our church):
- adequate social savvy needed to navigate between two cultural dynamics, Korean and Korean American
- a strong desire to receive ministry training in an apprenticeship role under the EM Pastor
- bilingual, Korean and English, is a plus

Compensation:  $2,000 / month

To Apply:
- send cover letter and resume/CV with photo to hawaiicpc@gmail.com
- introduction of yourself (testimony, calling to ministry)
- results of a personality test of your choosing (MBTI/Enneagram)
- a video/audio link to a recorded sermon
- two recommendation letters

For more information:
- websites: KM - www.hawaiicpc.org
EM - www.livingstonesem.com

- social media – Instagram –  @hcpclivingstonesem
Facebook – HCPC Living Stones EM


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