[MD] 워싱턴지구촌교회 EM 목사 청빙 > 구인

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[MD] 워싱턴지구촌교회 EM 목사 청빙

페이지 정보



Global Mission Church of Greater Washington, SBC is seeking a Full-time English Ministry Pastor.

• Full-time English Ministry Pastor

Primary Responsibilities (but not limited to)
• To plan, organize, lead, and oversee all the English ministry (EM)
• To preach for EM services.
• To provide pastoral care and visitation for the EM congregation
• To communicate with the Senior Pastor, KM pastors, and EM leaders
• To lead EM meetings
• To plan and organize EM events
• To educate, train, build, and supervise EM leaders including small group leaders
• To provide bible studies, education, or training including the newcomer’s class and discipleship training
• To develop and oversee the EM budget
• To participate in pastoral staff meetings
• If needed, additional ministries may be discussed.

Required Qualifications
1. A ordained pastor
2. A clear calling to Gospel Ministry
3. Native-level proficiency in English
4. Willing to work with the senior pastor, pastors, or deacons
5. Prior ministry experience including working in a Korean American church context
6. M. Div. degree or equivalent
7. Southern Baptist background and seminary (not required, but preferred)

Application Requirements
• Certificate of Ordination
• Certificate of Seminary graduation
• Resume
• Personal Testimony
• Ministry philosophy and vision statement
• Two reference letters (at least one from a former senior pastor)
• Two sermons (file or online link)

Due date: December 16, 2023

All the application materials should be emailed to Hyunchang.kang@gmcusa.org  (Pastor Hyunchang Kang 강현창 목사).
* Please be advised that all the application materials won’t be returned.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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