[CA] OKC, EM Pastor > 구인

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[CA] OKC, EM Pastor

페이지 정보



Orange Korean Church (CRC) located in Fullerton, CA is seeking a EM Pastor

A. Positions

1. Associate Pastor who will lead and in charge of English Ministry


B. Supporting documents

1. Resume (attach photo, enter contact phone number, family photo)

2. Self-introduction (be sure to include self-introduction, faith statement including the call to ministry and ministry experience)

3. Two letters of recommendation (one from the senior pastor of the church you currently attend and one from a pastor you respect)


C. Contact and inquiries

1. All application documents are accepted only by email. (jungys33@gmail.com)

( jungys33@gmail.com), Contact: e-mail or church office (714-871-8320)

2. After the first document screening, interviews will be notified individually (additional documents may be requested).

3. Salary will be discussed during the interview.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


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