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페이지 정보

Daniel Park2017-12-06


Northwest Baptist Seminary seeks to hire a half-time faculty member to offer courses in theology and leadership for their Korean language Canadian degree programs. The position is an assistant professor role. The person hired would also provide some administrative support for managing doctoral projects and assist with other usual academic processes. Northwest Baptist Seminary offers a Doctor of Ministry in Global Christian Leadership (Korean language) and manages for the Associated Canadian Theological Schools a Master of Divinity Degree (Korean language) and Master of Arts (Global Christian Leadership, Korean language). A successful candidate will be thoroughly bi-lingual in English and Korean, possess a Ph.D. or its equivalent in theology, Christian Education or Cross-cultural Leadership from a reputable institution, have experience teaching at graduate level and some pastoral experience, and be able to sign their agreement with the Seminary’s Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct. Evidence of research and publication would provide additional support for an applicant. Terms and benefits to be negotiated. The Seminary seeks to fill this position early in 2018.  Canadian citizens who meet the criteria will be given priority.

Please send letters of intent to Dr. Larry Perkins (perkins@twu.ca), Northwest Baptist Seminary, 7600 Glover Road, Langley, B.C., Canada V2Y1Y1.


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