Part (or Half) time Youth and Young Adult Pastor > 구인

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빌립보 하베스트
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스팸으로 인해 구인구직 게시판은 회원등록후 관리자가 권한을 올려야 글쓰기가 가능합니다. 게시판 사용이 불편하시면 이메일(과 카톡(아이디 usaamen)으로 내용(텍스트 only)을 보내주시면 바로 조치해 드리겠습니다. 



Part (or Half) time Youth and Young Adult Pastor

페이지 정보



New York Dong Yang First Church is seeking a part-time (or half-time) Youth Group pastor (6th-12th grade) and a part-time (or half-time) Young Adult pastor in preparation for moving to new church building.

1. Ministry Hours
- Part-time: Friday Evening, Sunday
- Half-time: Friday Evening, Saturday, Sunday

2. Job Description
- Preaching, Bible Study, Activities, Summer Retreat (Winter Retreat)
- In case of half-time, Saturday ministry decision after meeting with senior pastor

3. Qualification
- Currently Seminarian or Graduate/ Fluency in English, Bilingual preferred

4. Salary
- Commensurate with ministry

5. Application
1)  Resume+Photo
2) Personal testimony+Statement of faith

6. Contact
- 빈상석목사 (Pastor Bin), Cell Phone: 516 316 3833,  이메일:


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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