인디애나폴리스 한인장로교회 - EM Pastor & CM Pastor 청빙
페이지 정보
인디애나폴리스 한인장로…ㆍ2018-07-24관련링크
인디애나폴리스한인장로교회(Indianapolis, IN)는 우리세대의 비젼을 위해 EM/Youth Pastor와 Children Ministry Pastor 사역자를 청빙합니다.
Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
is searching for an EM/Youth Pastor & a Children Ministry Pastor.
<EM/Youth Pastor>
*사역: EM & 중고등부 담당, 주일예배, 금요 성경공부, 절기행사, 상담
*자격: 목사 or 전도사, 신학교 졸업/졸업예정자
*제출서류: 이력서(신앙고백 포함), 졸업 증명서, 추천서(2명), 설교 1개(영상, 음성)
* 제출: KPCI EM Pastor Search Committee
- 이메일: khyungjoo@yahoo.com / 317-331-8141
- 주소: Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
1020 E 101st St. Indianapolis, IN 46280
<Children Ministry Pastor> (Half Time)
*사역: 교육부(1~5학년) 담당 사역, 교회 행정
*자격: 신학생, 신학교 졸업/졸업예정자
*제출서류: 이력서(신앙고백 포함), 졸업(재학) 증명서, 추천서(2명), 설교 1개(영상, 음성)
* 제출: KPCI CM Pastor Search Committee
- 이메일: khyungjoo@yahoo.com / 317-331-8141
- 주소: Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
1020 E 101st St. Indianapolis, IN 46280
<EM/Youth Pastor>
We are located in Indianapolis, Indiana with an average Sunday attendance of about 250 including youth and children.
To provide foundational spiritual education, care and nurturing to EM Adults and Youth.
Responsibilities include:
- Leading Sunday worship
- Leading occasional Combined worship with KM
- Leading Friday Youth activities and bible study.
- Offering pastoral care and counseling.
- Organizing special events such as mission trips and other church activities
- Working with senior pastor in administrations
Ordained pastor or Seminary Graduates
Compensation: based on experience
Benefits: Health Insurance & Pastoral Activities allowance
If interested, please send the following documents:
- Personal testimony/Ministry vision statement (1-2 pages)
- Resume, copy of seminary diploma
- If ordained, a copy of the certificate of ordination
- Two recommendation letters (one from a pastor and one from a lay person)
- One recorded sermon
To submit application documents:
Email to khyungjoo@yahoo.com
or mail to:
Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis EM Pastor Search Committee
1020 E 101st St.
Indianapolis, IN 46280
<Children's Ministry Pastor>
We are located in Indianapolis, Indiana with an average Sunday attendance of about 250 including youth and children.
To provide foundational spiritual education, care and nurturing to elementary aged children 1st to 5th grade for 20 hours a week (Half time) including helping Church administrations.
Responsibilities include:
- Leading Sunday worship for children.
- Developing relationships with teachers, parents, and equipping them to serve.
- Organizing special events such as Easter, VBS, Holy Win, and Christmas.
- Communicating with church leaders and PTO
- Help Church administrations (5 hours/week)
Ordained pastor, Seminary Graduate, or Seminary Student
Compensation: Half-Time
If interested, please send the following documents:
- Resume, copies of undergraduate and seminary diplomas
- If ordained, a copy of the certificate of ordination
- Two recommendation letters (one from a pastor and one from a lay person)
- One recorded sermon
- Personal testimony/Ministry vision statement (1-2 pages)
To submit application documents:
Email to khyungjoo@yahoo.com
or mail to:
Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis CM Pastor Search Committee
1020 E 101st St.
Indianapolis, IN 46280
Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
is searching for an EM/Youth Pastor & a Children Ministry Pastor.
<EM/Youth Pastor>
*사역: EM & 중고등부 담당, 주일예배, 금요 성경공부, 절기행사, 상담
*자격: 목사 or 전도사, 신학교 졸업/졸업예정자
*제출서류: 이력서(신앙고백 포함), 졸업 증명서, 추천서(2명), 설교 1개(영상, 음성)
* 제출: KPCI EM Pastor Search Committee
- 이메일: khyungjoo@yahoo.com / 317-331-8141
- 주소: Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
1020 E 101st St. Indianapolis, IN 46280
<Children Ministry Pastor> (Half Time)
*사역: 교육부(1~5학년) 담당 사역, 교회 행정
*자격: 신학생, 신학교 졸업/졸업예정자
*제출서류: 이력서(신앙고백 포함), 졸업(재학) 증명서, 추천서(2명), 설교 1개(영상, 음성)
* 제출: KPCI CM Pastor Search Committee
- 이메일: khyungjoo@yahoo.com / 317-331-8141
- 주소: Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
1020 E 101st St. Indianapolis, IN 46280
<EM/Youth Pastor>
We are located in Indianapolis, Indiana with an average Sunday attendance of about 250 including youth and children.
To provide foundational spiritual education, care and nurturing to EM Adults and Youth.
Responsibilities include:
- Leading Sunday worship
- Leading occasional Combined worship with KM
- Leading Friday Youth activities and bible study.
- Offering pastoral care and counseling.
- Organizing special events such as mission trips and other church activities
- Working with senior pastor in administrations
Ordained pastor or Seminary Graduates
Compensation: based on experience
Benefits: Health Insurance & Pastoral Activities allowance
If interested, please send the following documents:
- Personal testimony/Ministry vision statement (1-2 pages)
- Resume, copy of seminary diploma
- If ordained, a copy of the certificate of ordination
- Two recommendation letters (one from a pastor and one from a lay person)
- One recorded sermon
To submit application documents:
Email to khyungjoo@yahoo.com
or mail to:
Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis EM Pastor Search Committee
1020 E 101st St.
Indianapolis, IN 46280
<Children's Ministry Pastor>
We are located in Indianapolis, Indiana with an average Sunday attendance of about 250 including youth and children.
To provide foundational spiritual education, care and nurturing to elementary aged children 1st to 5th grade for 20 hours a week (Half time) including helping Church administrations.
Responsibilities include:
- Leading Sunday worship for children.
- Developing relationships with teachers, parents, and equipping them to serve.
- Organizing special events such as Easter, VBS, Holy Win, and Christmas.
- Communicating with church leaders and PTO
- Help Church administrations (5 hours/week)
Ordained pastor, Seminary Graduate, or Seminary Student
Compensation: Half-Time
If interested, please send the following documents:
- Resume, copies of undergraduate and seminary diplomas
- If ordained, a copy of the certificate of ordination
- Two recommendation letters (one from a pastor and one from a lay person)
- One recorded sermon
- Personal testimony/Ministry vision statement (1-2 pages)
To submit application documents:
Email to khyungjoo@yahoo.com
or mail to:
Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis CM Pastor Search Committee
1020 E 101st St.
Indianapolis, IN 46280
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