(인디애나폴리스) Youth & Elementary 중고등부와 초등부 사역자 청빙 > 구인

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(인디애나폴리스) Youth & Elementary 중고등부와 초등부 사역자 청빙

페이지 정보

인디애나폴리스 한인장로…2017-07-10


인디애나폴리스한인장로교회(Indianapolis, IN)는
        아래와 같이 중고등부(1명), 초등부(1명) 사역자를청빙합니다.
                  Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
                    is searching Youth & Elementary Pastors

* 사역: 주일 학생예배, 주중 성경공부, 절기행사, 교사훈련, 상담
* 자격: 신학교 졸업/졸업예정자, 다음세대를 위한 열정
* 제출서류: 이력서(신앙고백 포함), 졸업(재학) 증명서,
                추천서(2명), 설교 1개(영상, 음성)
* 제출: 조재진목사
  - 이메일: pastorjjc@gmail.com / 317-331-8006
  - 주소 Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis
            1020 E 101st St.  Indianapolis, IN 46280

Youth Pastor


We are a Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis under PCUSA, located in Indianapolis, Indiana with an average Sunday attendance of about 250 including youth.

We are seeking a part-time English speaking youth pastor to shepherd the youths (30-40 in 6th-12th grades) for 15-20 hours a week including preparation time.

Responsibilities include:
- Leading Sunday worship for youths.
- Leading Friday night activities and bible study. 
- Developing relationships with youth, teachers, parents, and equipping them to serve.
- Offering pastoral care and counseling.
- Organizing special events such as youth mission trips and retreats, and Christmas.
- Communicating with church leaders and PTO


The candidate needs to be passionate about making disciples and is a team player with the members of the church, under the supervision of the Associate Pastor.

Compensation: based on experience
Benefits: continuing education allowance


Children's Ministry Pastor


We are a Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis under PCUSA, located in Indianapolis, Indiana with an average Sunday attendance of about 250 including youth.

To provide foundational spiritual education, care and nurturing to elementary aged children 1st to 5th grade for 15-20 hours a week including preparation time.


Responsibilities include:
- Leading Sunday worship for children.
- Leading Wednesday/Friday activities and bible study. 
- Developing relationships with teachers, parents, and equipping them to serve.
- Nurturing the children in their faith formation.
- Organizing special events such as Easter, VBS, Holy Win, and Christmas.
- Communicating with church leaders and PTO


The candidate needs to be passionate in developing children's faith and is a team player with the members of the church, under the supervision of the Associate Pastor.

Compensation: based on experience
Benefits: continuing education allowance

If interested, please send the following documents:

- Current seminary student, a copy of a valid student ID card
- Resume, copies of undergraduate and seminary diplomas
- If ordained, a copy of the certificate of ordination
- Two recommendation letters (one from a pastor and one from a lay person)
- One recorded sermon
- Personal testimony/Ministry vision statement (1-2 pages)

To submit application documents:
Email to pastorjjc@gmail.com (subject line with KPCI CM Search) or mail to:

Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis Children's Ministry Pastor Search Committee c/o Pastor John Cho
1020 E 101st St.
Indianapolis, IN 46280

If you have any questions contact Pastor John Cho at 317-331-8006


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한무리구인 초대교회구인

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