사역자 청빙:4-6th grade; Youth Middle School; EM College 각1명(총3명Full-Time) > 구인

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사역자 청빙:4-6th grade; Youth Middle School; EM College 각1명(총3명Full-Time)

페이지 정보




Looking for Candidates for 4-6th Grade, Youth Middle School Ministry, and EM College Ministry

The Korean Central Presbyterian Church (Rev. Eung Yul Ryoo, PCA) has the vision of transforming the world by training believers to become the Lord's disciples. We are seeking qualified candidates for a full-time 4-6th grade pastor, full-time youth middle school pastor, and full-time EM college pastor positions to lead the corresponding ministries.
A. Qualification
Born-again Christian, believing the inerrancy of the Scriptures
Passion and enthusiasm for the applied ministry and for the training of teachers and parents
Fluent in English
Graduating or graduated of an accredited seminary
Legal Status in the U.S.

B. Application must submit
1. Resume
2. Personal statement (Family, Background, Ministry Experiences) 
3. Calling and Vision
4. Statement of Faith
5. Proof of Graduation
6. Two Sample Sermon videos
7. Picture of yourself or family
8. Two Recommendation letters (pastors, professors, and/or acquaintance; The recommendations may be sent from the applicant directly or from the recommendation persons)
9. Proof of legal status

C. Send your documents through Email to younghwan.kim@kcpc.org

D. Inquire about More Information:
Next Generation Director
Rev. Daniel Kim (김영환목사)
O 703-815-1181, C 571-332-6506, younghwan.kim@kcpc.org

E. The deadline for the application: March 12, 2018


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