[NJ] Part-time Childrens Education Pastor > 구인

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[NJ] Part-time Childrens Education Pastor

페이지 정보



New Mercy Community Church in Hackensack NJ.

The Children’s Ministry pastor position is a part-time position responsible for ministry to children from birth through fifth grade, and corresponding ministry activities that bless their families and community. We are looking for people who are passionate about the formation of our children and has a calling in this space. We believe in the intergenerational model of Christian Education.

New Mercy Community Church Hackensack has been in existence for 14 years. Our vision is; Church for the Broken...Called to Restoration. We have a round table model of leadership that allows a true communal expression of service. Currently we have about 250 Adults and 150 children and youth.

Please apply here: https://nmhc.formstack.com/forms/education_pastor


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