Half Time Children's Pastor for 1-5th grade > 구인

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Half Time Children's Pastor for 1-5th grade

페이지 정보



Binnerri church is looking for a children’s pastor (1-5th grade).
1. Minimum Qualifications
  1) Completed or currently in Masters of Divinity or Christian Education
  2) Two years of ministry experience
  3) Must be fluent in English; Bi-lingual is preferred (English and Korean)

2. Responsibilities
    1) All aspects of the children’s ministry (1-5thgrade)
    2) Preaching, counseling, bible study, events, teacher recruitment/training
    3) Equipping parents to help their children grow spiritually
3. Application materials
    1) Resume
    2) Ministry Philosophy
    3) References (2, a pastor and a lay person)
    4) A recent sermon video/audio
4. Application Process
    1) Email application materials to Pastor Haeyoung Joo      <haeyoungjjoo@gmail.com>
      (subject line with Binnerri Children's Pastor)
    2) Deadline: July 9th (Sunday)

5. Church Description
    Binnerri Presbyterian Church is a Korean-American Immigrant church of
    about 700 adult believers located in Richardson, Texas. Our children’s
    ministry has a little over 50 students (1-5th grade) now and currently is
    growing. More information about our church can be found at
    http://www.binnerri.org and if you want to know about our education W2G
    please go to http://www.binnerri.org/Education/W2G.aspx.


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