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주일학교 전도사님을 청빙합니다.

페이지 정보




롱아일랜드에 위치한 뉴욕새교회에서
유년 주일 학교(1~5학년)를 섬기실 전도사님을 청빙합니다.
관심이 있으신 분은 교회 이메일로 관련 서류(이력서, 신앙고백서)를
보내주시기 바랍니다.

The New Church of NY, located in Long Island, NY is seeking a part-time children's pastor who will pastor children of grades 1st to 5th, leading them in worship, teaching, and education activities throughout the year.  We have dedicated teachers and parents association who support children’s ministry.  The candidate will work with other staff of NCNY ministry as a team supervised by the senior pastor.  Seminary education or enrollment is preferred but not required.  A candidate must be able to communicate in English, understand and able to work with Korean cultural settings.  Ability to communicate in some Korean language will be helpful but not required.  Salary will be determined based on the experiences and other criteria. 

To apply, please send the following to Rev. Sung Hee Lee via email: tncny1@gmail.com
1. Resume including personal testimony and statement of faith
2. 2 References from ministry staff
3. A sample sermon or teaching script (either video or written)



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