[뉴욕제일장로교회] EM/Youth Group Pastor (Full Time) > 구인

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[뉴욕제일장로교회] EM/Youth Group Pastor (Full Time)

페이지 정보



The Korean First Presbyterian Church of New York (KAPC) have been serving in Woodside, NY for the past 52 years. We are seeking a full-time EM/Youth Group pastor, who are passionate towards EM and Youth Group Ministry.

Job Description
- EM/Youth Group Pastor oversees the entire English and Youth Group Ministry.

- Preaching on Sundays
- Leading Friday Meetings for Youth Group
- Pastoral care (including counseling, mentoring, visitations, etc.)
- Developing and leading weekly and seasonal programs including: discipleship training, summer missions, summer & winter retreats, leadership seminars, etc.
- Ordained or willing to be ordained in a credible denomination of reformed background
- Master of Divinity degree (M.Div or higher) from an accredited theological seminary
- Must hold to Reformed Theology as outlined especially in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms
- Fluent in English (Korean language ability is a plus)
Salary & Benefits:
- Negotiable based on qualifications and experience
- Housing/Parsonage provided (including utilities)
Application Instructions:
- Resumé
- Statement of faith and/or personal testimony
- Recent sermon video clip or website link
- Two letters of recommendation (pastor, professor, or elder; please include reference contact info)

Where to Submit & Inquiries:
- E-mail: josephparksp@gmail.com
- Deadline: until position is filled
- Additional documents may be requested

Website: www.jeilchurchny.com (KM) & www.nlcwoodside.com (EM)


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