[NJ] 중도등부 전도사님을 모십니다 > 구인

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[NJ] 중도등부 전도사님을 모십니다

페이지 정보

뉴저지 복음 장로교회2020-01-14


안녕하세요 뉴저지 복음장로 교회에서 중고등부 전도사님을 찾습니다.
About Us:
Gospel Presbyterian Church (Presbyterian Church in America) is located in Parsippany, NJ. We exists to be a Christ centered church that strives to expand the kingdom of God and impact its local community with the love and compassion of Christ. 

Roles and Responsibilities:
Preparation and execution of Sunday worship: preaching, bible study leader, praising and whatever is necessary to help our students grow and mature spiritually.
·        A personal & radical commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
·        Ability to speak Korean helpful, but not necessary
·        Sensitivity to and able to work well in Korean-American church context
For submission
·        Cover letter & Resume (with recent photo)
·        Salvation Testimony
·        Statement of Faith & Philosophy of Ministry
·        One reference letter: from the most recent Senior Pastor
·        Personal view on homosexuality
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2020
Please submit all documents to: eunsoochoi@gmail.com
Please visit to find more information about our church: www.gospelkpc.org/


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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