Youth/English Ministry Pastor (Full-Time Position) > 구인

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Youth/English Ministry Pastor (Full-Time Position)

페이지 정보

P. Seo2020-05-12


Youth/English Ministry Pastor (Full-Time Position)

General Job Description
The Youth Group/English Ministry (EM) Pastor will be actively involved in the youth students’ and EM members’ spiritual lives in order to promote a solid foundation of Christian faith. This position would have the opportunity to shape and create this growing ministry through the overall Christian education program of the church. The pastor should be invested in helping our beloved members to unite, connect, grow, serve and become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

The Youth/EM Pastor must be someone who has a passion for God, with a love for youth members and English speaking families, an ability to relate to them, as well as the ability to work well with Korean Ministry church leaders.
Essential Duties and Tasks
· Preach each Sunday for the EM’s worship service (9:30AM) and the Youth’s worship service (11:00AM).
· Develop relationships with the existing Youth and EM members through regular communication and foster relationships with the church-at-large. This includes pastoral duties such as visitation and counseling.
· Develop and train lay leadership, teachers, and praise band members as Christ-like servant leaders for the ministry.
· Lead Youth Group Bible studies on Sundays and Fridays
· Lead EM cell group gatherings and Bible study
· Co-organize and execute year-round activities and programs that will promote spiritual growth (e.g., summer and winter youth retreats, revivals, outings, local outreach, summer missions, VBS, etc.)
· Prepare for and participate in monthly meetings (e.g., Session, Youth Education Department meetings, and EM Leadership meetings)
· Work with the support and guidance of the Senior Pastor while being directly accountable to him.

Qualifications & Requirements:
• Master of Divinity
• US Permanent Resident Green Card or citizenship
• Bilingual (English & Korean) Preferred

• Comparable Salary
• Housing Allowance
• Health Benefit
• Sick and Vacation Days

If interested, please send the following via-email( only:

1. Resume with photo
2. Personal Testimony
3. Personal Vision Statement
4. Copy of a Sermon (Audio or video link)
5. 2 letters of recommendation from pastors or ministry leaders.

Contact Information:
Elder Imsoon Yoon
Cell: 336-392-6082

Korean First Presbyterian Church
318 Stagecoach Trail
Greensboro, NC 27409
Office: (336) 632-1585


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