[TX] 웨이코 주님의 교회 EM 사역자 청빙
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TLCW-EM-Pastor.pdf (115.0K) 0회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-07-30 22:59:11
웨이코 주님의 교회에서 차세대와 영어권 청년 섬김의 비젼을 가진 파트타임 사역자를 모십니다.
The Lord’s Church of Waco is seeking a part-time minister with a vision for serving the next generation and English-speaking young adults.
웨이코 주님의 교회 (The Lord's Church of Waco) 는 미국 텍사스 주 웨이코 (Waco, TX) 지역의 한인 GMC 교회로, 특별히, 영어권 차세대 예배를 통해 인근 베일러 대학의 학생 및 청년들, 또 더 나아가 지역의 여러 다인종 청년들을 섬기고 있습니다.
The Lord’s Church of Waco is a Korean Global Methodist Church (GMC) located in Waco, TX. Among our multiple mission groups, the college and young adult group is culturally, theologically, ethnically, and geographically diverse. Many members in our EM group are non-Koreans and they play a crucial role in our college student leadership. (Visit https://wacolordchurch.org/ for more details.)
Position Description
- Establish annual goals and objectives for the English Ministry, which serves college students and English-speaking young adults.
- Preaching a biblical message weekly at Sunday EM service (currently at 1:15pm)
- Coordinate and lead a variety of ministry programs such as evangelism, outreach, short-term summer missions, counseling, retreats, and small groups.
- Plan and lead small group bible study sessions before or after Sunday service.
- Plan and lead weekly small group prayer/bible study/QT sharing activities, including an Overflow gathering on Fridays.
- Plan and oversee all college ministry activities when needed for special events throughout the year, which include, but are not limited to, the church fair at Baylor, New Student Welcome & Graduation, and seasonal activities and retreats.
- Recruit, train, schedule, and lead small group leaders, teachers, and volunteers as needed.
- Participate in ministerial staff meetings, provide up-to-date information about the English Ministry and work together for other church events as needed.
자격 (Qualification)
- Must have completed and received a Master of Divinity. (M.Div.) from an accredited seminary or currently enrolled in an M.Div. degree program
- Must have a passion and a calling for the next generation.
- Must have a passion for church-plant and multi-ethnic ministry setting
- Previous ministry experience in the education department is preferred
- Must be able to work legally in the U.S.
- Fluent in English; Bi-lingual in Korean and English preferred.
제출 서류 (Documents for Application)
- Current Resume
- Personal testimony, faith statement, ministry experience, and vision for the ministry
- 2 Letters of Recommendation (1 must be from your current supervisor)
- One recent sermon video; link to the video clip preferred
접수 마감 (Application Due): Until filled
*** Please submit all required materials to tlc.waco.pprc@gmail.com by August 12th, 2024 for full-consideration in our 1-round of review. ***
Contact: 송은지 집사, 목회협력위원장 (Eunjee Song, SPPRC Chair), tlc.waco.pprc@gmail.com
웨이코 주님의 교회
The Lord’s Church of Waco
3600 Memorial Dr.
Waco, TX 76711
Tel: 254) 265-9001
E-mail: wacolordkgmc@gmail.com
Web page: https://wacolordchurch.org/
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