예수동행교회 유스 사역자 청빙 > 구인

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예수동행교회 유스 사역자 청빙

페이지 정보



Youth Pastor/Director Position at Journey with Christ Church (JCC)
Journey with Christ Church (JCC) is a conservative Korean church dedicated to our vision of 'Walking with Jesus Christ in every moment.' We are actively seeking a passionate and dedicated Youth Pastor or Director to lead our youth and college group.
Work Hours:
• On-site: 4 hours every Sunday (10:00 am - 2:00 pm)
• Additional hours as required for special events such as retreats and extra activities
• Lead Sunday Worship services
• Conduct Bible studies
• Plan and oversee special events and activities
• $2,000 per month
To apply, please submit your resume, one reference, and a personal statement to byleeus@yahoo.com.

Journey with Christ Church
(818) 366-0089
10408 Balboa Blvd.
Granada Hills, CA 91344


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

참사랑교회 찬양교회
빌립보 한무리구인

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