뉴욕감리교회 Summer School Director > 구인

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뉴욕감리교회 Summer School Director

페이지 정보



Plainview UMC is looking for a Summer school director for summer 2023. 
The compensation is $4,000 for the summer 6 weeks (7/3/23-8/11/23). 
In short, it is an incredible opportunity to gain experience directing a summer school to shape it in a way that is fun and academic for the students (k-5th tuition only 950$ starting 2023).
Directors kids go for free and Pastor’s kids have up to 50% discount. 

Main functions include:
 Hiring teachers (mainly college graduates salary $2600)
 Advertising for the summer school
 Planning for field trips and collecting fees
 Planning out afternoon activities
 Managing afternoon pick ups

Contact Josh Yun - joshxyun@gmail.com - call church TEL.516_681_1713


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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빌립보 한무리구인

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