Youth Ministry 담당사역자 청빙 > 구인

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 동산담임  PMC
 갈보리구인2  주님교회

스팸으로 인해 구인구직 게시판은 회원등록후 관리자가 권한을 올려야 글쓰기가 가능합니다. 게시판 사용이 불편하시면 이메일(과 카톡(아이디 usaamen)으로 내용(텍스트 only)을 보내주시면 바로 조치해 드리겠습니다. 



Youth Ministry 담당사역자 청빙

페이지 정보

미네소타 한인장로교회2017-04-07


미네소타한인장로교회에서는 다음과 같이 Youth Ministry(7-12th grades)를 담당할 사역자를 모집합니다. 
Korean Presbyterian Church of Minnesota (KPCM) is searching for a full time Youth Pastor.
We are looking for a pastor with a vision and a calling to nurture our present Youth Ministry.  We are seeking a pastor who has a clear sense of call for the particular ministry in a Korean-English cultural setting.
    1. Reformed seminary graduate (or about to graduate);
    2. Fluent in English (Bilingual in Korean preferred, but not required);
    3. Legal status in United States; and
    4. Willingness to lead, and a vision for our youth group.

KPCM is located in Minneapolis, MN.  Our total Sunday service attendance is approximately 500 including children, and youth attendance is approximately 35.  We belong to PCUSA, and maintain biblical confession of faith.
The followings are summary of job description.
    1. Conduct Sunday worship service in English for Youth Group;
    2. Manage Christian Education programs for and Youth Group;
    3. Provide pastoral care (visitation & counseling, etc.); and
    4. Develop mission, discipleship training, retreats, and special programs.
Please send the following information if you are interested.
    1. A recent sermon (within 6 months);
    2. PIF (if PCUSA) or resume, and photograph (including a family picture if married);
    3. Statement of Faith; and
    4. Calling and Vision Statement.
Please e-mail to, or mail to
Korean Presbyterian Church of Minnesota
(Attn: Byung Kwon Cha)
5840 Humboldt Ave N.
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
Phone: 763-560-6699


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

 동산교회 갈보리구인

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