뉴저지 온누리교회 차세대 본부 전도사 청빙 > 구인

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뉴저지 온누리교회 차세대 본부 전도사 청빙

페이지 정보

Steven Park2017-02-07


Positions: Toddlers' Pastor, Children's Pastor, Youth Group Pastor
Job Description:
New Jersey Onnuri Community Church is seeking to hire part-time pastors to serve in its Education Department.
Ministry Responsibilities:
Weekly preaching. Lead volunteer staff. Attend weekly staff meetings.
Required Documents:
1. Resume/CV (format provided)
2. Recommendation (format provided)
3. Sermon: Video and Manuscript
4. Proof of Undergraduate Degree
* Must be attending or a graduate of an accredited seminary
5. Photo ID

Questions: HR@njonnuri.org / 201-461-4010 / www.njonnuri.org
* All documents and videos must be submitted to HR@njonnuri.org


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