Full-time Youth 사역자를 모십니다.
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샬롯제일장로교회에서 Full-time Youth 사역자를 모십니다.
유스사역과 다음세대를 향한 열정이 있으신 분
인가된 신학교에서 M.Div 학위를 받으셨거나 과정 중에 계신 분(기독교 교육전공자 가능)
영어설교가 가능하신 분(이중언어 구사 선호)
이력서(사진포함) 1부
자기소개서 1부
추천서 1부
서류는 이메일로만 받습니다 (freekthdream@gmail.com 김태희 목사)
First Korean Presbyterian Church of Charlotte is currently seeking a full-time youth pastor
who can lead a group of middle and high school students and education departments.
Average Sunday youth attendance is about 40.
Have passion and heart for the youth
Currently enrolled student or graduate of an accreditedseminary with a degree in MACE or M.Div
Fluent in English / Proficient in Korean (preferred but not required)
Application Requirements:
Resume (with picture of self)
Written Biography (personal testimony, ministry experience& vision)
Statement of Faith & Letter of recommendation
Please submit via email to freekthdream@gmail.com
Church Information
First Korean Presbyterian Church of Charlotte
Address: 6930 Wallace Rd. Charlotte, NC 28212
유스사역과 다음세대를 향한 열정이 있으신 분
인가된 신학교에서 M.Div 학위를 받으셨거나 과정 중에 계신 분(기독교 교육전공자 가능)
영어설교가 가능하신 분(이중언어 구사 선호)
이력서(사진포함) 1부
자기소개서 1부
추천서 1부
서류는 이메일로만 받습니다 (freekthdream@gmail.com 김태희 목사)
First Korean Presbyterian Church of Charlotte is currently seeking a full-time youth pastor
who can lead a group of middle and high school students and education departments.
Average Sunday youth attendance is about 40.
Have passion and heart for the youth
Currently enrolled student or graduate of an accreditedseminary with a degree in MACE or M.Div
Fluent in English / Proficient in Korean (preferred but not required)
Application Requirements:
Resume (with picture of self)
Written Biography (personal testimony, ministry experience& vision)
Statement of Faith & Letter of recommendation
Please submit via email to freekthdream@gmail.com
Church Information
First Korean Presbyterian Church of Charlotte
Address: 6930 Wallace Rd. Charlotte, NC 28212
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