[NY] Full-time Pastor of English Ministry > 구인

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[NY] Full-time Pastor of English Ministry

페이지 정보



English Ministry Pastor Application

Central Presbyterian Church of NY (CPCNY) is searching for a pastor to serve in the English Ministry. CPCNY is a presbyterian church belonging to KAPC that pursues God-centered reformed theology and faith that started in 1980. CPCNY is located in Old Westbury, New York, with more than 100 EM members attend on Sundays.
• Position: Full-time Pastor of English Ministry (40-50 hours per week)
• Salary: Commensurate with experience.

• Qualification :
1. A person who faithfully preaches the unchanging truth of God’s Word without compromising to social or political trends
2. A person who will train and equip lay leaders through discipleship and mentorship
3. A person who will lead Bible studies, prayer meetings, and other fellowship related activities
4. A person who has a Bible-centered pastoral vision and smooth social personal relationships
5. A person who can dedicate and share the mission and vision of CPCNY
6. A person who under the guidance of the Senior Pastor, work closely with other pastoral staff, elders and lay leaders of both KM and EM to promote unity in the Church
7. A minimum of 7+ years of full-time ministry experience strongly desired

• Required to Submit :
1. Seminary (M.Div) Diploma
2. Certificate of Ordination
3. Resume and Cover Letter
4. Doctrine and Confession of Faith
5. Vision Statement and Vision Plan for English Ministry
6. 2 Letters of Recommendation / List of References
7. 2 Video/Audio Sermons
8. How to submit: via email to jkim.cpcny@gmail.com


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