{NJ] EM High School Youth Pastor | 영어 고등부 교역자 청빙 (Half-time or Full-time) > 구인

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{NJ] EM High School Youth Pastor | 영어 고등부 교역자 청빙 (Half-time or Full-t…

페이지 정보



Pilgrim Mission Church is seeking a pastor who can lead our EM Sr. High/High School Ministry of about 110 students (grade 9 through 12) and can be responsible for all aspects of ensuring their spiritual growth and development.

1. Preach and lead weekly Sunday worship services.
2. Collaborate closely with the leadership and volunteer teams.
3. Coordinate seasonal retreats, mission trips and other activities.
4. Develop and disciple a group of student leaders.

1. Heart for second-generation Korean-American youth ministry.
2. Graduated or currently enrolled in a Master of Divinity degree.
3. English-language fluency, Korean language skills a plus.
4. Able to work together within a ministry team.

Kindly submit following documents to hr@njpmc.org by July 15th, 2021.
• CV or Resume
• Personal statement of faith [personal testimony]
• Link to 2 sermon files (video preferred)
• Two recommendation letters

Inquire or send resume to hr@njpmc.org
An equal opportunity employer. 지원 접수 마감은 2021년 7월 15일 까지임.
Pilgrim Mission Church | 80 Commerce Way Hackensack, NJ 07601 | HR Committee | hr@njpmc.org


필그림선교교회 유년부 전도사 (Half time) 청빙

 청빙인원: 1명

o 신학대학 졸업자 혹 수료 과정,
o 영어 사역 또는 유사 경력 환영, 한국어 사용 (도움)
o 미국내 합법적 사역 가능

 제출서류 (반환되지 않습니다): 이력서, 개인신앙(간증)문, 추천서, 그외 보충자료 (설교자료 등)
 서류 제출기한/제출처: 7월 11일까지 hr@njpmc.org로 제출
 문의: 조민형 장로 (201) 674-1115

Searching for Pastor (Half-Time) Leading the Pilgrim Lower Elementary Group (PLG) of Pilgrim Mission Church (at 80 Commerce Way, Hackensack, NJ 07601)

o Completed a Master of Divinity degree or its candidate
o Plus if experienced in English ministries or equivalent
o USA citizen, permanent resident or otherwise qualified to work

Documents to provide (note: documents are not returned)
o Curriculum Vitae/Resume
o Personal Testimonial Statements
o Letter(s) of Recommendation
o Other relevant materials (relating to sermons or ministry)

When and Where:
Please submit the documents cited above to hr@njpmc.org by Monday July 12, 2021.
Please direct any inquiries to Elder Cho at (201) 674-1115.


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