An Office Assistant for Presbyterian Church in Norwood > 구인

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An Office Assistant for Presbyterian Church in Norwood

페이지 정보

Norwood PC2018-09-27


Presbyterian Church in Norwood at Norwood NJ is seeking a part time Korean office assistant.

*Job Description*
As an administrative assistant, the Employee is required to perform the following duties and undertake the following responsibilities in a professional manner.
A. General office work:
    1. Including but not limited to phone, computer, filing, record keeping
    2. Editing and printing of bulletins and inserts for weekly and seasonal services
    3. Update Directory
    4. Processing and distributing of mail (update mailboxes as necessary)
    5. Preparation and printing of Annual Report in January
    6. Produce flyers for special events
    7. Assist with special educational events such as Vacation Bible School
    8. Maintain and order office supplies
B. Bookkeeping duties:
    1. Church window and Quick Book Input
    2. Take weekly collection deposit to bank on Monday.
C. Other duties as may arise from time to time and as may be assigned to the employee.

Email your resume to
Thank you.


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