[엘에이 동양선교교회]에서 즐겁게 함께 사역할 중고등부 전도사님을 모십니다. > 구인

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 PMC  갈보리구인2
 동산교회 제자교회

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[엘에이 동양선교교회]에서 즐겁게 함께 사역할 중고등부 전도사님을 모십니다.

페이지 정보



LA에 위치한 동양선교교회에서 다음세대를 사랑하고 아끼는 Youth Pastor를 청빙합니다.

[Youth Pastor]

Education Department Mission: 
God called us, everyone, to love God and others. Therefore, The Oriental Mission Church Education Department exists to connect students and families to God and others. We do this through empowering and embracing an individual’s self, others, and God. Also, we do it by equipping families and students to be a witness to one’s location. Learning and growing in the faith need to be put into action to bring glory to God. 

• We are currently seeking to hire pastors | www.omc.org

Job Overview: 

Responsible for all aspects of the youth ministry. This includes but is not limited to preaching, counseling, bible study, events, teacher recruitment/training. 


1) Friday Night (Youth) | Sunday (Youth)

2) Saturday Morning (Education Department Meeting)

Education Qualifications: 

- Currently enrolled in or graduated from an accredited seminary 

1) Loves the Lord and People

2) Must have a passion for sharing the Gospel

3) Must have a family-centered ministry mindset

4) Teamwork is a must!

5) Strong interpersonal and cross-cultural skills: maintaining healthy, motivating relationships with

pastors, elders, and volunteers in a Korean American Immigrant Church context.

How to Apply: 

Please submit the following to omcedu1004@gmail.com | “Open until filled” 

1) Cover Letter

2) Resume

3) Reference (to be requested before an interview)

Salary: TBD

Contact: OMC Admin. Office @ 323-466-1234


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

갈보리구인 참사랑교회
찬양교회 빌립보

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