[NY} seeking pastors for the Youth and Children’s Ministries. > 구인

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[NY} seeking pastors for the Youth and Children’s Ministries.

페이지 정보



Job Openings: Part-Time Youth and Children’s Ministry Pastors
New York Chamsarang Korean Methodist Church is seeking two dedicated part-time pastors: one for our Youth Ministry and one for our Children’s Ministry. We are searching for candidates who are passionate about guiding and nurturing young faith, and who can foster a welcoming and spiritually enriching environment for our youth and children.

Position 1: Youth Ministry Pastor
Age Group: Middle School through High School
Compensation: $1,600~$1,800/month (negotiable based on experience)

Key Responsibilities:
Lead Sunday worship and Bible study sessions
Organize and oversee youth-focused events, including Summer Retreat, Winter Retreat, Lock-ins, and other fellowship activities
Conduct discipleship and mentorship programs
Maintain effective communication with parents

Position 2: Children’s Ministry Pastor
Age Group: Kinder through 5th Grade
Compensation: $1,200~$1,500/month (negotiable based on experience)

Key Responsibilities:
Lead Sunday worship and Bible study sessions
Plan and direct Children’s Ministry events, including Summer Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Conduct discipleship programs tailored for children
Maintain effective communication with parents

Qualifications for Both Positions:
Currently enrolled in an M.Div program or holds an M.Div degree or higher
Demonstrates a strong commitment to nurturing young faith and fostering a positive, engaging church environment
Capable of building genuine connections with youth and children and inspiring spiritual growth

Additional Paid Job Opportunities:
Saturday Korean Language School Teacher
Summer School Staff Position

Application Process:
Please submit your resume and statement of faith via email to chamsarangchurchny@gmail.com. For additional information, visit our website at chamsarangny.com and follow us on Instagram at @chamsarangchurch.

We look forward to finding committed, faith-filled leaders to join our church family!


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