[NJ] Youth Pastor, 청소년부 전도사 > 구인

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[NJ] Youth Pastor, 청소년부 전도사

페이지 정보



Arcola KUMC is seeking a Youth Group Pastor to collaborate with our existing Youth Group Pastor and address the needs of a growing youth ministry at AKUMC.

※ Church Address:
Arcola Korean United Methodist Church
52 South Paramus Rd., Paramus, NJ 07652

※ Position:
Youth Group Pastor focusing primarily on grades 6-12
(Total Youth Group size: 20-30)

※ Language:
Fluent English required
Korean is a plus

※ Hours:
Hours may vary and some flexibility is required but generally include:
• Fridays (for office hours and staff meetings)
• Friday night youth group gatherings
• Sunday service and preparation

※ Ministry Details:
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
• Providing pastoral leadership/training to YG teachers and students
• Helping plan and organize Friday night youth group gatherings
• Sharing preaching responsibilities on Sundays
• Collaborating with other education ministry staff on joint ministry events such as VBS, Holy Win, etc.
• Assisting in planning, developing, and implementing all aspects of a balanced youth ministry alongside the existing Youth Group Pastor, including mission training and confirmation education.
• Monthly pay: $1800

※ Qualifications and Skills:
• Exhibit a personal and growing relationship with God and a teachable spirit
• Currently enrolled in or graduated from an accredited seminary
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Understanding of the needs and challenges of today’s youth
• Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with youth, parents, staff, and congregation
• Musical talent and praise team experience are not required but are a plus

Please send your resume to AKUMC Education Ministry Director, Eunsil Kim at sa00021@gmail.com.


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