[LA] Seeking a Half or Full time Associate Pastor (EM) > 구인

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[LA] Seeking a Half or Full time Associate Pastor (EM)

페이지 정보



Job Title
English Ministry Associate Pastor (Half or Full-Time)

East Sarang Community Church (PCA), located in Chino, CA, is looking for a Half or Full-time associate EM pastor to serve in our English Ministry.
Our English Ministry is called "Holy Wave," and has about 50 regular coming members (Offline + Online).
We want to passionately serve English-speaking congregation to build them as disciples of Jesus. We seek someone who is committed to preaching the Gospel and has a passion for calling them, training them, and making them disciples of Jesus Christ.
Also, we are currently looking for someone to build the English Ministry together.  EM pastor will be given interdependence so that they can build their own vision under the senior pastor's vision for the church.

Job Description
- Preaching the Word on Sunday worship service
- Lead Discipleship Training of the members
- Plan and coordinate EM yearly events
- Being present at church events and special services
- Communicate with EM families and maintain good rapport
- Work with other pastoral staff, elders, and lay leaders under the guidance of the senior Pastor in order to achieve the oneness of the church
- Expected to hold office hours onsite during weekdays
- Shepherding and administrative duties
- Attending staff meetings

- Believe in the inerrancy of the Bible
- Strong sense of ministry calling and a passion for the Gospel
- Graduated or scheduled to graduate from an accredited Seminary
- English Fluency but Korean is not required.

Application Documents Requested
- Resume / CV
- Personal statement (including family background, Statement of Faith, calling, ministry plan)
- Two References (One should be from your previous pastor)
- Enrollment or Graduation certificate
- Two of your most recent sermons (link or file)

Salary Package
- Commensurate with experience
- Benefits
- Paid Vacation
- Study/conference/books stipend

Contact Info
Education Pastor Ingeol Song
- Please submit all application materials to esccedu@gmail.com
- We will not use all application materials for any other purposes.

East Sarang Community Church
5540 Schaefer Ave. Chino, CA 91710


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