[NJ] PMC Searches the Upper Elementary Group Pastor *Half-Time* > 구인

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[NJ] PMC Searches the Upper Elementary Group Pastor *Half-Time*

페이지 정보



Pilgrim Mission Church in Hackensack, NJ is seeking a pastor to join our team and provide overall leadership to our children (4th and 5th grade) ministry at the Upper Elementary Group [PUG].

Job Description / Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the PUG pastor are to oversee all aspects and administration of ministry program.  This will include providing visionary leadership, recruitment, training, development, and management of operations to ensure a vibrant and successful ministry system.  This position reports directly to the Director of Education (Sunday School Director).

§  Provide pastoral care and leadership to the PUG
§  Facilitate relational connection and spiritual growth of the PUG kids through Sunday and midweek environments, small groups, volunteer teams, and monthly events
§  Perform all other duties as assigned

§  Possess practical communication skills (both written and oral)
§  Possess experience in leading staff and volunteers within a ministry setting
§  Possess Bachelor’s degree or higher from accredited Bible College, or a candidate for M.Div.

If you’re interested in applying, please check out more about us on our website (njpmc.org).  If you would like to talk further, please send a Cover Letter, Resume, and worship sample video to Hiring Search Committee Chair, Elder Jae Y. Sung, at hr@njpmc.org.  Looking forward to talking to you.


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