[NJ] EM Youth Group Pastor > 구인

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갈보리구인2 동산교회 제자교회 아가페교회 갈보리구인 참사랑교회 찬양교회 빌립보 한무리구인

스팸으로 인해 구인구직 게시판은 회원등록후 관리자가 권한을 올려야 글쓰기가 가능합니다. 게시판 사용이 불편하시면 이메일(usaamen@gmail.com)과 카톡(아이디 usaamen)으로 내용(텍스트 only)을 보내주시면 바로 조치해 드리겠습니다.



[NJ] EM Youth Group Pastor

페이지 정보



Pilgrim Mission Church is searching for an EM youth pastor (part-time/half-time) who will be part of a dynamic team ministry with the focus of discipling students. This position requires good communication skills (verbal and written), ability to develop and implement discipleship program, and willingness to learn new skills for ministry growth.

1. Qualifications:
1) Graduated from Bible college, or Mdiv candidate or graduate.
2) Youth ministry experience preferred
3) Proficient in computer and smartphone usage
4) Administrative skills and working knowledge of MS Office Suite/Google Drive, etc.
5) Ability to communicate clearly and effectively.
6) Legally qualified to work in the United States

2. Please submit the following (Note: They will not be returned):
1) Resume (Including your picture, certificate of a degree, or enrollment verification letter)
2) Introduction of yourself (including family members and calling to Christian ministries)
3) Testimonial statements of affirmation or confession
4) 1 video of worship service/sermon
5) 2 recommendation letters
6) Others, if and when requested

3. Deadline: Please submit application to HR@NJPMC.ORG by Monday September 19, 2022; direct any inquiries to HR@NJPMC.ORG


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