필라 임마누엘교회 English Congregation Pastor > 구인

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필라 임마누엘교회 English Congregation Pastor

페이지 정보




Emmanuel Church in Philadelphia is part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA); we belong to the Korean Eastern Presbytery (KEP). We are looking for a full-time pastor who is called to serve an adult ministry consisting of married couples with families, young adults, and college-aged students.

Type: Full-time
Title: English Congregation Pastor (EC Pastor)

The EC Pastor will have the following responsibilities in furthering the mission and vision of Emmanuel Church:
• Lead Sunday worship for EC
• Shepherd and disciple EC , which includes:
o Leading Friday Bible study or large group
o Providing ongoing guidance for those serving in the various aspects of the ministry (e.g., praise team, small
group ministry, hospitality team, etc.)
• Provide regular visitations/counseling for EC members

The EC Pastor must have the following qualifications and skills:
• Ordained within the PCA, or willingness to transfer ordination to the PCA denomination
• Sound biblical and theological knowledge in the Reformed tradition
• Strong organizational and leadership skills
• Effective interpersonal and communication skills
• Adhere to the church’s mission and values
• Ability to clearly communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ
• Desire to raise disciples
• Ability to organize and lead worship for a variety of age-groups
• Ability to engage in outreach and missions
• Ability to coordinate and work with the other leaders of the church
• Ability to support and organize/plan major church events
• Prior pastoral ministry experience is a plus
• Ability to communicate in Korean is a plus

Please submit the following materials to Emmanuel Church via email to: young.yoon@hotmail.com
• Resume
• Statement of faith
• Pastoral experiences, if applicable
• Philosophy of Ministry
• Vision statement
• Two (2) recommendation letters
• Three (3) references with contact information
For more information and questions, please contact Deacon Yoon at: 609-543-9090 You can also visit our website at http://iemmanuel.org/ec


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