[AL] 2세 소수민족 청년 EM 사역자 모십니다 > 구인

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[AL] 2세 소수민족 청년 EM 사역자 모십니다

페이지 정보




저희는 영어 회중 예배와 한국어 회중 예배가 함께 하는 교회입니다.
중국, 미국, 베트남 분 많은 2세 청년들이 있는 교회입니다.
다국민 신앙 공동체 사랑 공동체를 꿈구고 있는 교회 입니다.
앨라배마 버밍햄 주님의 교회에서 영어권 청년부 사역자를 구합니다.

EM-Young Adults Ministry Half Time Position in Birmingham AL
King’s Cross International Ministry is seeking a half time English Ministry-Young Adults Pastor. We are looking for a pastor with the calling to 2nd Generation Minority Young Adults.
We are currently growing and can support the ordination process for those who are pursuing it.
The candidate will be in charge of the overall English Ministry:
coordinate the EM worship service to young adults include preaching in Sunday;
continue Weekly Bible study group and pastoral counseling to our English speaking adults.

1. A M.Div. student in an accredited seminary
2. Ability to Prepare and Perform Exegetical/Expository Preaching in English
3. Strong calling, commitment and passion to 2nd generation minority group for Christ.

1. Recommendation Letters (At least 2)
2. The Testimony of Faith and Internal Calling
3. Sample sermons - files or links (English)
4. Copy of diploma(s) or Enrollment

Lord’s Church (King’s Cross International Ministry)

2305 Montevallo RD,
Birmingham, AL 35223
EMAIL to Send Application:
Contact person: Rev. Cecilia Chang
Our vision for King’s Cross International Church is to be a community of young adults seeking meaning through confidence in Jesus with a mission to serve local minority groups in need of a safe place to freely worship without abandoning what makes them unique. In this way, King’s Cross International Church seeks to be a local outreach welcoming of cultural diversity, inclusive of differing worship styles, and sensitive to speakers of English as a second language in order to restore, empower, and build bridges into the local community through the hope of the Gospel, through faith in life with Jesus Christ. Currently, We are part of the PC(USA) that is governed by a session, composed of the minister(s) and ruling elder(s).
The position is Open until Filled
PCUSA 교단으로 안수 과정 또는 안수 과정에 들어가시는 전도사님을 도와드릴 수 있습니다.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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ⓒ 아멘넷(USAamen.net)
카톡 아이디 : usaamen
(917) 684-0562 / USAamen@gmail.com
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