나성한미교회에서 EM 사역자님을 모십니다. > 구인

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나성한미교회에서 EM 사역자님을 모십니다.

페이지 정보



LA 동쪽 El Monte City에 위치한 나성한미교회에서 아래와 같이 풀타임 or 하프타임 Youth & EM 사역자를 모십니다.

LA Hanmi Church is seeking Full-time or Half-time (교육부 전체 담당)

1) Elementary&Youth(half time)

2) Youth&EM College(half time)

3) Education 전체담당(FullTime)

# 3개중 인터뷰후 선택가능



1) Leading the education department

2) Preaching a biblical message weekly at youth group and leading a small group at EM College

3) Oversee all sub-education department worship, bible studies, and activities both Fridays and Sundays

4) Coordinate and lead variety of ministry programs such as evangelism, outreach, short-term summer missions, counseling, retreats, and small groups

5) Provide pastoral care for Youth, EM college students, parents, and volunteer teachers



1) Must have completed and received M. Div. degree from an accredited seminary

2) Must either be an ordained pastor from an approved denomination or working towards an ordination from an approved denomination

3) Previous ministry experience in education department preferred

4) BI-lingual in Korean and English preferred

5) Must be eligible to work in the U.S (F1 Visa Holders will be evaluated for a change of status after 6 months)

6) Must have a heart and a calling for the next generation.

7) Must have a passion for church-plant and multi-ethnic ministry setting



1) Current Resume

2) A recent photo of you and your family

3) Personal testimony and faith statement

4) 2 Letters of Recommendation (1 must be from your current supervisor)

5) Two recent sermons (video/audio files or links)

6) Copy of either M. Div. degree or Certificate of Ordination



-Commensurate with experience


접수기간: 1월 말까지

<Please submit all applications to> hcs0930@gmail.com

<For more information & Contact> Pastor. Hong. (714-398- 2472)


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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(917) 684-0562 / USAamen@gmail.com
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